Sunday, October 2, 2011

Relationships 101 For the Men, Women and Manipulation

We're at a serious deficit from jump when it comes to our sexual obsession towards women. Usually men are better with the brute strength side of desperate measures. Picture a scene some 130,000 years ago when Neanderthal ruled the land. He came, he saw, he conquered for quite some time including dragging off whatever female he wanted, presumably by the hair of her head. Those days are over, fellas.

Now, thanks to following the Code of Hammurabi and the more recent Masonic code, we have laws to prevent such activities today. Except for some Middle Eastern countries, getting sex by threat of violence is pretty much non-existant and, personally, I'm down with that.

Civilized man has to get sex the hard way, and that puts him at the mercy of women's unpredictable moods and whims. If a woman doesn't want to put out, what are you gonna do? Rape her? Yeah, good luck getting away with that, Genius. What kind of asshat are you anyway?

A woman's last resort strength, her sexuality, is perfectly legal and works like a charm. Having said that, sexuality isn't even her best weapon. The award winner here is her manipulative little mind.

Women's wants and how the relationships fail:

Often, when it comes to choosing a mate, women aren't the most levelheaded. Shockingly, most of the men women end up marrying invariably fail to measure up to their White Knight childhood fantasies. The first few years of marriage are spent trying to hone their man's "rough edges," subtly, or not so much, trying to "domesticate" him until he acts less like himself, and more like the kind of guy they really wanted to marry (but didn't want to go out and actually find).

Toward that end women don't just use their body parts to get what they want. Rather they use their crafty minds, too. It being the case that men can't think straight around women they like, a crafty daughter will take advantage of that confusion, it's just kicking a guy when he's down.

The Manipulated Man

Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Phil and David DeAngelo got nothin on what I'm about to reveal here.

Women can often effortlessly and significantly change a man's behavior by using a few standard conditioning methods. These methods work on either sex equally well, but generally require the kind of persistence, patience and underhanded craftiness that few men can muster, or sustain. Yet it's precisely that kind of mental voodoo that women excel at.

First, there is Classical conditioning. This is where women get men to associate one behavior with another. For example, if a woman gives her man a blow job every time he buys her jewelry, he will begin to associate the two and, in no time, the mere thought of buying her jewelry finds him sportin' a woody. How Pavlovian of us, right guys? We ARE a simple lot.

The second kind of conditioning makes someone associate a particular behavior with a particular consequence. For example, when a man stays out all night with his boys, the woman, who wants to discourage this "terrible" behavior, withholds sex. Assuming he doesn't pack his bags and leave (like he should), the man soon learns that if he wants to get laid, he'd better come home on time. This is called operant conditioning, but is more commonly referred to as "pussy-whipping."

Another common form of manipulation is "passive-aggressive" behavior. In a nutshell, when a woman wants her man to do something, like buy her a new car, she doesn't come right out and tell him what she wants. (That would be effective, but wouldn't make him jump through any prove-you-love-me hoops.) Instead, she drops periodic hints under the assumption that, since her man says he loves her, he can pick up her clues and figure out what she wants without her asking. If he fails, she will, quite illogically, assume that he doesn't love her.

The main flaw in this approach is that it overestimates men. They are just not perceptive enough to notice most signals a woman uses short of slapping. Another woman might be able to decode her veiled suggestions, but men simply aren't equipped with the right emotional sensors to piece together her 100,000-piece all-blue-sky jigsaw puzzle. Again, we ARE a simple lot and NO, we really DON'T know what you're thinking!
Women could avoid a lot of disappointment if they'd just say, "Honey, I want you to buy me a car" in the first place. Sure, it's not as romantic as if the car came from the goodness of her man's heart, but it sure as hell beats walking, right?

The War Against Men Why Women are Winning

This natural obliviousness is man's one defense. Manipulation is useless against subjects too dumb (or, is it too crafty?) to do what they're supposed to do. So use this innate ignorance to your advantage: Ignore her. Ultimately, even if you bust your ass and actually succeed at fulfilling her every need, she'll do what anyone would do: She'll make up new ones and then more new ones.

Rarely is anything ever good enough for crafty, manipulative women, which is why most guys stop trying after awhile. You'll never succeed at making sure she "never wants for anything." Frankly, the wants of the average women are numerous. Too numerous, in fact, to discuss in a book without clear-cutting Costa Rican rain-forests for enough paper.

Stop trying. Not only does ignoring her negate any attempts to control you, it drives women freaking nuts as a bonus. And that's what tilts the Scales Of Love Injustice back to level.

More on this topic later, stay tuned.

Dating 101 Why Women Dress Sexy

What's the deal with women and dressing up all hotified when they're out and about?

One of those age-old questions, let's investigate.

Let's think about it from the woman's perspective…

An attractive woman gets attention from men all the time, no matter how she looks or what she's wearing. Remember this, fellas.

She doesn't need to “accent” her beauty to get attention from men looking to attract beautiful women.

And the question becomes even more interesting when you consider that, most often, it's the MOST BEAUTIFUL women who go to the GREATEST lengths to enhance their beauty.


Here a few of the reasons attractive women go to such great lengths to squeeze that “extra little bit” out of their beauty and what it means for you.

1. She Wants To Maximize Her Strengths To Attract The “Best” Men

Imagine that a beautiful woman is getting ready to go to a party.

There will be a hundred men at this party, and it follows that only a few of them will be the “best” ones.

Do you think this beautiful woman will settle for one of the average (or worse) ones running around, dropping lame lines “designed” to attract hot women?

Not a chance.

A woman wants to get the “best” man in the room. But the best man also has OPTIONS. Lots of women to choose from.

So she feels like she needs to “fix herself up” to have the BEST chance of getting THAT guy.

2. She Needs To Deal With Competition From Other Women. This is probably the top reason for putting on the hotness when going out.

Attractive women tend to be VERY, VERY competitive.

When a “hot” woman walks into a room, EVERYONE checks her out.

    It's competition, intimidation, and millions of years of evolution rolled up into one ugly, yet effective, package

Guys looks her up and down with a “let me get a good look because I'll be using her as a spank-it fantasy later” stare.

But the “best” men in the room, the ones who have REAL options, only glance quickly and make a mental note to talk to her later.

Meanwhile, the OTHER hot women in the room all look at her and give her…



Because another hot woman is instantly seen as COMPETITION. She doesn't want OTHER hot women competing with her for the “best guys.”

It's competition, intimidation, and millions of years of evolution rolled up into one ferocious package.

In order to MINIMIZE their competition, they FIX THEMSELVES UP and emphasize their good points TO THE MAX. Status and Alpha Female are the terms of the day. That's right, guys, she's not dressing up primarily for men, she's swanked out for the other women.

3. She Wants Attention And Approval

At the very core of human psychology and behavior are the concepts of ATTENTION and APPROVAL. Some evolutionary theorists think that the basic formula goes like this:

If you get more attention from others, then you and your offspring are more likely to survive and pass on your genes to future generations.

If others DON'T like you and give you attention, you are going to have a hard time finding a mate…

… and reproducing.

It just so happens that an attractive woman has a great indicator of whether or not “the group” likes and approves of her…

It's the amount of ATTENTION she gets. There may be something to the biological and evolutionary but personally I think this is about winning and ego.

If a woman is getting a lot of attention, it keeps her feeling “OK”. She knows she's accepted by the group, that she's going to stay healthy and have a good chance of mating with a “top male”.

Again, this is all about HER status as an Alpha Female. I can't overstate that dressing up is for the benefit of her own ego, so skip on the "it's her fault I came onto her, look how she was dressed" crapola.

What to do about this:

This is why, when YOU try to attract beautiful women, it's important you don't communicate to her that you are “overwhelmed by her beauty,” or chasing her, or too weak to express yourself well.

When you actively control the amount of attention you give her, you STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD.

Don't show her “approval” too quickly (maybe even show her some DISAPPROVAL)… and you've created a POWERFUL interest inside of her.


Because every guy that comes within ten feet of a hot woman can't stop looking at her. He makes it clear he would be willing to do anything for her.

So imagine what happens when she meets a guy that isn't like all these other guys AT ALL.

He acts like he's not impressed with her beauty. He even busts her balls a little. She can't tell if he likes her or not… and her systems are scrambled. She feels CHALLENGED.

Then, for some reason she can't explain, she starts to feel a GUT LEVEL ATTRACTION to him.

Women love a challenge, men.

Next, handing compliments: use them sparingly. If she asks how she looks you answer "fine" and leave it at that. That will probably raise her ire a bit and she'll begin asking what's wrong with this and that.
"Fine? What do you mean fine? Does my [insert area of her concerns in order of importance here] look okay?!" Stick with the "you look fine" deal unless she's getting obviously upset and then ratchet it up to "good". Don't kill her self-esteem, for Chrissake.

She doesn't want to hear "you're hot", "you're sexy" and all that crap. Keep it simple, honest and light. The schmucks out there are going to play THOSE kinds of games and payout lame, typical comments all night. Stand out from the herd.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Word Salad

The technology business isn't going very well at present so I've decided to look for other work, as in a REAL job that, you know, pays and contributes to the household good rather than remaining at a steady state of blah.

Conventional thought suggests that one applies for employment that matches one's skill set. My skill set, let's see here:

  • law enforcement
  • web development
  • computer repair
  • martial arts
  • musician
  • artist, kinda
 So far no matches without the requisite degree - my degree is in Biblical Studies, not much lining up unless I start preaching (a job I've been offered recently) and, given my disdain for mainstream Christianity, probably a bad idea.

Failing the job search, for today at least, I want to address these employment notpurtunities I've been running across recently specifically the mission statements and job descriptions. Here's a few samples of the type of syntactical blather I've been seeing:

Part of a mission statement: "This change will allow us to better leverage our talent base in an area where developmental roles are under way and strategically focuses us toward the upcoming Business System transition where Systems literacy and accuracy will be essential to maintain and to further improve service levels to our customer base going forward." ...mmkay.

Job descriptions:

  • "analysis and validation of support strategies for customer satisfaction parameters"
  • "parameters of team competency assessment support"
  • "focus on ownership of teamwork assessment validation assets"
  • "empowering your interactive competency team process"
  • "utilizing paradigms of support validation strategies of assessment" 
Am I qualified?! Good Lord! I think I can analyze and validate support strategies for customer satisfaction within any given parameters with a focus on owning validation assets under the umbrella of a paradigm purporting to be competent teamwork within a matrix of empowerment strategies outlined herein! Are we good?

In the late eighties and early nineties the buzzwords were all sports metaphors, now this. Ugh, regardless of your education and background I believe in the KISS framework (framework - ha), Keep It Simple, Stupid. I dunno about all this high falootin gobbledygook; it smacks of job justification for the HR folks.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Horus vs. Jesus

Comparison of some life events of Horus and Jesus:

Interesting Parallels - please don't comment that I'm a savage pagan and don't know my stuff. Do the research first as I have done. This is just something interesting to discuss.  :) 

Written documentation about Horus predates Judaism by over 1200 years according to archaeological finds


Yeshua of Nazareth, a.k.a. Jesus
By a virgin. There is some doubt about this matter
By a virgin. 
Only begotten son of the God Osiris.
Only begotten son of Yehovah (in the form of the Holy Spirit).
Miriam (now often referred to as Mary).
Foster father:
Seb, (a.k.a. Jo-Seph). 
Foster father's ancestry:
Of royal descent.
Of royal descent.
Birth location:
In a cave.
In a cave or stable.
By an angel to Isis, his mother.
By an angel to Miriam, his mother. 
Birth heralded by:
The star Sirius, the morning star.
An unidentified "star in the East."
Birth date:
Ancient Egyptians paraded a manger and child representing Horus through the streets at the time of the winter solstice (about DEC-21). In reality, he had no birth date; he was not a human.
Born during the fall. However, his birth date is now celebrated on DEC-25. The date was chosen to occur on the same date as the birth of Mithra, Dionysus and the Sol Invictus (unconquerable Sun), etc.
Birth announcement:
By angels.
By angels. 
Birth witnesses:
Later witnesses to birth:
Three solar deities.
An unknown number of wise men.  They are said to have brought three gifts; thus the legend grew that there were three men.
Death threat during infancy:
Herut tried to have Horus murdered.
Herod tried to have Jesus murdered.
Handling the threat:
The God That tells Horus' mother "Come, thou goddess Isis, hide thyself with thy child."
An angel tells Jesus' father to: "Arise and take the young child and his mother and flee into Egypt."
Rite of passage ritual:
Horus came of age with a special ritual, when his eye was restored.
Taken by parents to the temple for what is today called a bar mitzvah ritual.
Age at the ritual:
Break in life history:
No data between ages of 12 & 30.
No data between ages of 12 & 30.
Baptism location:
In the river Eridanus.
In the river Jordan.
Age at baptism:
Baptized by:
Anup the Baptiser.
John the Baptist, a.k.a. John the Baptist.
Subsequent fate of the baptiser:

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Follow Up to Left Behind

This is just sad. Organized religion works off of scare tactics and brow beating, there people find little hope. I'm sure more stories like this will be coming along.

Left Behind

I'm so sad today. I was seriously hoping for some dramatic events to take place by 6pm yesterday by way of the Rapture predicted by Harold Camping at Family Radio. Unless you're living under a rock, you've undoubtedly heard about his prognostications for an imminent return of Jesus Christ by 6pm yesterday, May 21, 2011.  For the record, I waited until after 6pm PT before I started posting about this and furthermore I was certain there would be nothing unusual happen.

Camping's non-profit has raked in a little over $18M in revenue from well wishers, fans and devotees suckered into this, his second, failed prediction for an end time apocalypse - his first being for 1994 but the math was wrong, so...

How did this go so very wrong? I'm young by some standards at 44, but I remember a number of doomsday scenarios being published or broadcast in one way or another, none of which has come to pass. I said that to say this: at the heart of the Christian doctrine concerning the return of Christ is the idea that no one knows the day or time, not even the angels. Did these folks not READ their Bibles? Let's think about the Bible's dire warnings against false prophets - many shall arise it says, pay them no mind and shun them, they are not of God. There it is; simple, obvious, totally incongruent for a Christian to follow Camping's campaign.

This points to a bigger problem. Generally speaking, sheople tend to believe whatever they are told, accepting without question and begging for more. "Feed me", the sheople say, "for am an hungered, lazy and without an iota of common sense".  We're all to blame - I blame the federalization of education for starters. History isn't what it was, the parts that are taught are slim on useful facts and heavy on feel good agenda. As parents (if you have kids or even influence them) we've failed to give our kids a good dose of common sense, something learned by challenging children to think for themselves, solve problems on their own. Okay not you, ardent reader, but you know what I'm talking about.

We have a culture of apathy (not my problem, I don't want to get involved), complaceny (well you know, whatcha gonna do) and sloth (that just seems like so much work, someone else will do it). Kids sit in front of the television and/or video games becoming dull consumers, adults would rather be consumed by American Idol, Desperate Housewives or some other reality show than read a book or pay attention to what's going on in the world around them.

How we gonna fix this? Probably won't, things will continue to decline until the mindless masses actually have to undergo a serious catastrophe. If it comes, will they know how to live off the land and survive? Probably not, more likely they will turn to the goverment for help and I think that's the plan overall. 

Now WOULD be a great time for something apocaplyptic, we need shaken up while there is still a shred of non-internet community left.

Getting Started

Meets and greets, all, this is my first post outside of Facebook, MySpace, Twitter or my own website which is now dedicated to IT services. I'm selfishly hoping for more exposure for my rants through a well known blog medium.

I made this leap thanks, in part, to pressure from friends on FB and the real world and my need for a creative outlet and place to post my sometimes explicit language when writing about crap that really gets under my skin. I don't feel comfortable opening the throttle full bore on FB or MySpace when I have kids viewing my content on a regular basis. Special thanks too extended to my friends here Tommy "The Elder" Vickers and Marjorie "Don't Call Me Marj" McAtee for your posts which have inspired me to be here as well.
