Misogyny and Misandry Part I Misogyny
Posted by Totalmansense on 8:19 PM with No comments
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Misogyny Sucks |
Part 1 of 2. Ok folks, let's look at these problems at a very simple level. There's a war being waged out there between the sexes.
Misongyny, at its base level is a very narrow view of, ingrained in every decision and butthurt driven dislike and sometimes outright hatred of women.
The current movement seems to be going in two main directions for men disenfranchised with feminism (they will usually say RADICAL feminism) and Western women in general.
First, there's MGTOW - Men Going their Own Way. These gentlemen typically, but not always, choose to disavow dating and any unnecessary contact with women - their emotions and sometimes bank accounts having been burned to rubbish by one or several bad choices in a partner. I would place myself almost there were it not for a handful of ladies I feel pretty certain wouldn't act with malice regarding their male partner (yes, I made some bad choices). The MGTOW movement in concert with other Men's Rights Activists (MRAs) are experiencing a huge surge in popularity. What this means for Western Society is a sharp decline in marriage rates, having children, monogamy and fidelity (read family and kids). From a population standpoint, this isn't a good thing. For the man scorned, it's a win and freedom from drama, responsibility and a shield for his emotional state. I'm not advocating marriage, mind you, not at all. Do a YouTube search for MGTOW to see the current thought.
Most MGTOW men will point out the double standards they feel are placed on them - it's okay for women to belittle men, make them look like idiots and toss them aside when they aren't getting what they want. I agree and I get it. Men are expected to be in touch with their feminine side but tolerate the rough, arrogant snipes from women. Been there, got the t-shirt and even that was the wrong size.
The second branch deIdiot running rampant is PUA (pick up artist) and "game". The idea behind game being maximize the potential for sexual encounters by building a harem and building it with manly artistry. It's all about the guys hardcore with this crowd and don't dare contradict them lest they gang up on you like a zebra corpse in front of hyenas. I have that t-shirt too, also the wrong size.
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Jeans and t-shirt kind of guy |
A bevy of assorted pickup tactics, lines, rules and opinion rule the day and they have their Godfathers - Roosh V (Google that name long with PUA and game) is one. One of the biggest sites supporting this agenda is ReturnOfKings.com, They have some decent life hacks and occasionally decent advice but under nearly EVERY article and thread runs the dark, oily undercurrent of the He Man's Woman Hater Club.
Why? Well, for the reasons I delineated for MGTOW and because they aren't getting their way. It's that simple. I have to agree with some of their thoughts: don't let a woman run over top of you, don't let her change you, dictate your hair style, choose your friends, get rid of your habits - but those things are good advice for any relationship, it's not specific to only women. This is just good advice in general when dealing with people. No, I can't align myself here either.
What's the solution? For those of you old enough to understand the Golden Rule it's easy: treat others the way you want to be treated. Always. If someone doesn't give you that respect regularly - walk. The strongest position you can be in is the same as in business - the ability to walk away. I'm not saying break up with your woman or man if they get a little out of range but if you get a steady diet of that crap, it's time to go. Save yourself.
Part 2 soon but it's going to end the same way,
Be excellent to each other.
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