Giving Your Power Away

Posted by Totalmansense on 8:57 PM with No comments
Wisdom from my Dad:

Some years ago it was the highlight of the summer to catch fireflies, or lightning bugs as we call them in the south, and collect them into a jar. The goal of course was to attempt to fill the jar as full as possible and theoretically have a nature made lantern of sorts.

Dad was careful to point out that keeping them very long in a jar was hazardous for the the 
bugs. "Well what if I put a lid on it with holes in it?", I asked. He answered that even so the 
fireflies wouldn't be able to breathe and their light would dim and eventually go out. 

remember one particular summer we were at my aunt's house downtown and not far from where I live now. One of the kids in the field came prepared with a small mason jar and a lid with pre-made holes. I tried to pass that information along about keeping the lightning bugs in a jar but he 
nearly refused saying they were HIS lightning bugs and he wanted to keep them in the jar. True 
to form, the little bugs' lights began to dim and he, beginning to become upset, opened up the 
jar and set them free. As soon as that jar had opened the lights grew brighter and more frequent 
as they, one by one, made their way back out into the world.

It's all to often that we allow other people or situations to dim our light.  We allow ourselves 
to conform to what others want or what appears to be acceptable in society.  The problem is, we are not being TRUE to ourselves.  Our light becomes dimmer and dimmer, and something inside of us dies.  Perhaps it’s passion, imagination, desire, or inspiration.  Nonetheless, it dies.

We give our power away when we seek approval from others and when we hold back our truth because we are afraid of not fitting in…not fitting in with others, or perhaps with what society deems ‘right’.  When we accede to another's ridiculous demands, we're giving away our power. When we allow our innermost desires and passions to take backseat to society or someone else's ideals we are giving away our power.

We can free ourselves by being true to ourselves and honoring our feelings.  Most importantly, we can empower ourselves and brighten our own light by never giving our power away in the first place.

If you’ve given your power away to another person, a co-worker, a boss or even a job, take it 
back! Take your power back by doing what feels right.  Stop hoping that others are going to 
change and that you will wake up from this horrible dream.  Take your power back and make your 
dreams become your reality, whatever dreams you may have.

You deserve it.  You are AMAZING.  Open the jar.

Thanks, Dad
That's me at Dad's knee